
Team Name

Team Hotspots


Fall 2020 – Spring 2021


  • Luis Najera Ruiz
  • Rahat Alam
  • Paul Patraca Pantoja
  • Ruben Rodriguez


Hotspots is an innovative location based social media
application that combines elements of traditional social
media with review services in order to create the
perfect way to discover new locations to hang out with
friends and family. With the pandemic creating a drastic
change in businesses and habits, as it becomes safe to
do so, people will want to explore and discover new and
unknown local places. Hotspots will allow users to post
about local places and events and the app will create a
heatmap of popular places posted around them.


We wish to create a social media app because we
identify a need for a new kind of social media that
focuses on local places/news/events rather than
nationwide or worldwide post. This will allow the app
to differentiate itself from mainstream social media,
filling in a gap they cannot. This concept also has a
particular usefulness for people looking to explore
their local area after the pandemic has changed the
concept of hanging out. Creating a social media app
from scratch presents many technical and design
challenges which modern companies have massive
teams to help maintain. In the next section, we will
discuss how we plan to overcome these challenges
and what constrains we will have on our system.

Project Requirements

Home post feed: A screen where you can see current post and scroll to the next post

Post upload: The ability to upload a post

Heatmap: A screen containing a map with a “heat” overlay showing where recent

post were posted from, therefore showing currently popular places

Direct Messages: Sending messages directly to another user of the app

Profile page: A screen showing the currently signed in user and important account

information such as recent post

Sign in/up

Likes and Comments

IOS Port

App Integration

System Overview

UI: We decided to keep our UI as simple as possible and use as much space as
possible for the user’s post, the sign-up process is simple, and the five main
application functions can be accessed using the navigation bar at the bottom of the
application. We will be using Flutter for our UI, which is designed by Google and
integrates well with Firebase and Android.
Backend: Our backend system is designed to be secure while limiting redundant data.
We will be using Firebase to host our database, which will eliminate the need to
purchase servers and allow us to prototype at no cost.


The team has implemented the UI and API functions needed to create a functioning
social media application, below are some screenshots of our application running.

Future Work

Widespread implementation

Project Files

Project Charter

System Requirements Specification

Architectural Design Specification

Detailed Design Specification

