Project Template
Team Name
Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
- Edrik Aguilera
- Arman Bhandari
- Henry Le
- David Lokwa
- Serge Zaatar
Shawn Norman Gieser
The AgileMAVS software is intended to provide future UTA Senior Design students an application that will help manage the agile planning method in their projects. The product will store project information on a database and provide students tools that will assist in planning and manage their progression on their project. The instructors will have tools that can create teams and assign students in them as well as manage each team, viewing their progression on their project.
Good project management is essential to the success of every project. This is why there are an abundance of tools that allow users to manage their projects and some tools are made specifically for agile management. Agile project management is highly adopted in the industry with SCRUM being one of the most common forms of agile management. SCRUM in particular is taught in the University of Texas at Arlington’s CSE Senior Design course, which is what made this project interesting to our sponsor. Our sponsor is Dr. Geiser of the CSE department at UTA, and he is a professor for the senior design course. Although there are existing agile management tools, all would require licenses for each student and can be pretty expensive and hard to manage. This project aims to provide the future UTA senior design students with a standard in house application that can be maintained by the senior design faculty or even improved upon later by other teams.
Project Requirements
- Track Work Progress
- Visible Sprint Backlog
- Visible Product Backlog
- Edit Backlogs
- Task State
- Auto generation for graphs / export
- User Accounts ( Instructor / Student)
- Instructor can create teams
- Instructor can only view progress for teams no edits
- Must be compatible with chromium browsers
System Overview
The AgileMAVS software will be available for view through online interaction using a web app giving user interfaces for instructors and students alike. Registered instructors would be given an interface that allows them to create and view teams they are working with, and view the progression of every team within their project. For the registered students, they will have a scrum board and tools that allow them to modify their project plans, view their own progress, and create charts and information regarding it. The AgileMAVS software will be integrated with MyMAV and Canvas accounts to allow quicker access into the software. This software will be entirely online and will not need packaging towards anyone, making it very quick to start and use. There will be a support page for answering questions and an email for extra help. The AgileMAVS software will be handed down from team to team for maintenance with a manual included on bugs, software requirements, and future changes. This project follows a monolithic application with an Model-View-Controller design.
Results text and demo videos go here
Future Work
MyMav or CANVAS integration – FERPA
External App Linking – integration with Microsoft Teams
ABET related tasks such as sprint retrospectives
Project Files
System Requirements Specification
Architectural Design Specification
Poster (link)