Team Name
Mav Blazers
Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
- Bojil Ivanov
- Sanjeet Acharya
- Kierra Thompson
- Andy Sustaita
Dr. Shawn N. Gieser
The UTA ACM website is a product dedicated to the UTA ACM chapter. It provides services for ACM members to view ACM news, updates, and upcoming events. Members can sign up and log in to the website, which will give them benefits for joining the chapter. Members will have the option to upload blogs to their profile, sign up for email or calendar notifications, and download resources that other users uploaded to their profiles. These resources could include class notes, lecture videos, or resumes, which companies can request and view. ACM chapter officers have more privileges to the website, allowing them to update the News, Home, and About pages. In addition, they can send out notifications and register the ACM members who signed up for the website. Website administrators will have the highest level of control, can register ACM officers, and have direct access to the server and database. Other requirements for the website include support for multiple browsers and mobile devices and a professional look. The goal of this project is to create such a product for the UTA ACM chapter.
The current ACM website for the University of Texas at Arlington is currently just a web page with very little functionalities. It is very limited and also has out-dated information currently. The new website will make changes to the current information and will allow the website owner(ACM chapter at UTA) to make changes to information easily. Both the log-in and sign up do not work at the moment. A majority of the click-able options on the web page do not work. This website will have new function- alities and a secure login and registration system. The page currently does not take payments from the website for subscriptions either, one has to send a check addressed to UTA’s ACM chapter. All the sub- scriptions are managed manually in physical paper records. Initially, the website will have a feature to manage accounts for membership holders. However, payment through website will be available in later version. The record should be manually updated when the members graduate or their memberships expire. There is no easy way to contact all the members other than going through the memberships and contacting members individually. This website will allow the ACM chapter at UTA to contact all the ex- isting members and manage the memberships. The current website of ACM chapter at UTA has not been serving its purpose. The separate effort to do the manual work of managing that a website can do is ex- pensive. The new website can reduce the cost and get all the records digitized. The development team is a team of senior students currently at UTA. The team consists of software engineering and computer science students. The individuals on the team are well informed on their roles and responsibilities.
Project Requirements
- User Accounts – The website will have four types of user accounts: unpaid memberships, paid memberships, officer, and advisor.
- Resume Portal – Users shall be able to upload their resumes to their account.
- Blog – The website shall have a blog like feature.
- User Login – The users shall be able to login using their credentials.
- User Registration – Users shall be able to create an account in the system by using the register feature, and will be stored in the database.
- Events Page – The events page shall display upcoming events in reverse chronological order and will be available to all the users.
- Course Information – This page shall display information on expectations, brief descriptions on courses and sample assignments offered at UTA.
- Course Materials – Will only be available to paying members, this section will contain class notes, study materials, ebooks, and review materials for students.
- Performance Requirements – The website should not have any poor performance on any of its features.
- Packaging Requirements – If the user has the correct permissions, the user should be able to download resources from the website.
System Overview
To meet the client’s requirement, we need to implement the following:
1. Events Calendar – where the ACM officers can post events
2. Discussion Thread – where members can interact with each other
3. Ongoing Project – lists the completed projects by the UTA ACM chapter
There are 4 types of users: General users, ACM members, ACM officers, and System Administrator. The General members can register to make an account. ACM members are the paying members that can login to the ACM website, view the ongoing projects, and can create and edit discussion threads. The ACM officers can add remove projects from the project list and can view edit the event calendar. The system administrator can add remove ACM officers and can remove discussion threads.
Future Work
Online Payment – The customer wants for the website to allow payment. It will be able to accept payment for the user’s subscription directly from the site.
Project Files
Project Charter
System Requirements Specification
Architectural Design Specification (link)
Detailed Design Specification (link)
Poster (link)
Source Code
Any references go here, properly formatted