ACM’s Web
Spring 2020 – Summer 2020
- Mohamud Dahir
- Vikram Raj Dotel
- Shreyasi Kinhekar
- Diwakar Parajuli
ACM, stands for Association for Computing Machinery, is the largest educational and scientific computing society in the world. It is the common ground for all computing professional and student to share the idea and belief of computing innovation. It helps in strengthen the professional growth of its members by providing lifelong learning, technical training, conducting computing seminar etc. ACM members can also make a strong professional networking. ACM has vast numbers of chapters through out the world. UTA also has ACM’s chapter named, University of Texas at Arlington ACM student chapter. This senior design project consists of the development of website for UTA’s ACM student chapter. Through this website UTA ACM student chapter will able to manage and maintain its all functions take place in UTA. The website is basically design for three groups of visitors and they are general visitors, visitors having memberships to ACM chapter and admin or officers of the ACM chapter. The admin or officers have the full control over the website. For the visitors with membership, they will be further classified as paid membership and unpaid membership and according to their status they will have different authority to access the content.
ACM student chapter at UTA is a prestigious organization but it was lacking a proper website to manage and maintain different kinds of events organized by it. So, our team, “ACM’s Web” came up with a project to build a standard website that benefits all visitors, members of ACM chapter and officers of ACM chapter. This website will facilitate the ACM members to create an account and can access different kinds of content that are only available for members of ACM. For non-membership visitors, only general contents are available to access like posts, photos form events etc. The website is more helpful to ACM offices. They can control the backend of the website. They can create and edit the post, uploads the photos for the events, giving the information about the upcoming events etc. Full description is given in the project requirements. The website will be built using language php for frontend and backend connection, mysql for the database purpose and other website development tools for more standardization of the website.
Project Requirements
- The website will have three different user groups and they are general users, users with membership and admin/ ACM officers.
- The users with membership are further classified as paid members and non-paid members.
- Both paid and non-paid members can have account on website.
- Paid members have more authorizations to website content than non-paid members (eg:paywall).
- Admin/ ACM officers will have full access over website.
- ACM officers can create post, edit posts, update events information, update sponsors logos etc.
- ACM officers can see full membership list and can change status of people from non-paid to paid membership.
- The website will expire the membership automatically.
- The website will automatically send the email about the membership expiration before two weeks to paid membership.
- The website will have easy to use interface for admin/offices.
System Overview
Our system is basically categorized in three parts, front end, backend and database. General visitors can just access front end whereas admin/ ACM officers can access backend too. All the database work is done through backend. The basic data flow diagram of the project is down below.
Future Work
We would like to make it more dynamic and interactive. We would also like to add additional features to the website that make it easier to complete important transactions all online.
Project Files
Project Charter (link)
System Requirements Specification (link)
Architectural Design Specification (link)
Detailed Design Specification (link)
Poster (link)
Any references go here, properly formatted