Team Name
Project Name
Beverage Inventory App
Summer 2019 – Fall 2019
- Sudip Kandel
- Utsab Acharya
- Sandesh Naga
- Bhaskar Acharya
- Tara Gurung
Inventory management is an important part of running the business and managing items around us. Traditional practice of managing items for business costs a lot of time and workforce for companies. Customers become frustrated when the items they’re looking for aren’t available on the shelf. Bad practice of man-aging items in our home, school, works, etc. cost lots of time because it is hard for us to remember what items are needed and where it is located. Pocket-self is the inventory tracking ISO/Android-based mo-bile application which allows users to keep the items in available space, which is created by the user. We called PocketShelf because the idea behind it, we can carry the inventory application in our pocket and can search items in just a click. The function of the app is the user can sign up and login then add items or add a shelf or search the items. The app can help to find the place where to keep the items on the shelf, keeps a record of it and help to find the items when customers search for it. The app can help the customers to find and add the items on the shelf with the help of the pictures of the items too. We used Augmented reality as our key feature of the application. Where users can see the item before they approach to grab it. Which might be helpful in the sense that it will save the user effort and time spent and they know that they are getting the right thing. The time frame to notify the user can be predefined by the user at the time of its entry. Our app use the online database to save every entry by the user and had to be encrypted before it goes to the database, all the data had to flow through the server. So, the user must be online to be able to use the app. We had PIN protection as an extra feature on the app, where if the user wants not to show the item location to another user using the same app on the same device. Which we found a cool feature if the user wants to secure valuable items somewhere on the shelf. The scope of pocketShelf are prioritized inventory, Track all product information, Track sales, sorts in-venture according to manufacture and best by date of the items. The app helps to prioritize inventory on the basis of the customers’ demand, shape,and sizes of items in the shelf. For example, heavy and big items are preferred in the button of the shelf and small or light items in the top of the shelf. The app will keep the records of the inventory as well as items in stocks. Another important feature of the app is to track sales. Update the numbers of the items when add or remove an item from the shelf. The app can sort the inventory according to customer preferences based on attributes of the item. The app not only keep track of the item but able to sort the items based on the expiration dates and can notify the user if the item is expiring soon
In order to realize our vision, we have developed a beverage inventory app using react native mobile framework, which allows us to write native apps in JavaScript for both iOS and Android. This app contains add an item, allocate space, item list, manual entry, scan item, and setting. Allocate space allows us to create space on the shelf. Add items let us add items description and secure location with a pin in the shelf. We can search for existing items from the item list. Scan item helps us to add item fast scanning bar code and setting let us change our profile in the app. We have used the JavaScript programming language for UI development and Firebase for database management. A mobile camera is used to scan the bar code.
Project Requirements
System Overview
Demo Video-Beverage Inventory App
Future Work
The augmented reality when the QR or Bar code scanned to find the item from the list.
Project Files
System Requirements Specification (system_requirements_specification)
Architectural Design Specification (Architectural_design)
Detailed Design Specification (Detailed_Design_Specification)
Poster (Poster)