Bluetooth Hydrometer (Dyp Bluetooth Hydrometer)

Team Name

Team Dyp


Fall 2019 – Spring 2020


  • Boris Konffo
  • Evan Williams
  • Hayden Williams
  • Minh Luong
  • Harsh Patel


Brewing is a delicate art that requires very specific amounts of fermentation to produce a good product. It is
difficult to know exactly when any given brew is ready or to track the various statistics of the fermentation
process. A platform to help measure and log the variables involved in fermentation would be immensely
valuable to any brewer.

Project Requirements

-Measurement: The hydrometer should be capable of measuring data accurately and in units appropriate for brewing.
-Communication: The hydrometer must be able to connect through a brewing container to an external server program
via a bluetooth connection. The Server App should be capable of receiving data and sending it to the phone. The Phone app should be able to retrieve data from the Pi and through the internet.
-Survivability: The hydrometer must be able to function inside of the brewing vat and its battery must last for the length of a brewing cycle. The container should be suitably waterproof.
-Safety: The device should use materials that are safe for food preparation and do not contaminate the product.

-Unit Conversion: The User should be able the select his preferred unit(Brix or Plato for the specific gravity, Fahrenheit or Celsius)

System Overview

The Dyp Hydrometer is made of three main components:

  •  Hydrometer: The Hydrometer is the device that measures statistics such as specific gravity and temperature inside of the brewing vat and broadcasts it to a Raspberry Pi outside of the vat. It consists of an Adafruit Controller with a blutooth module, an Inertial  Measurement Unit, and a battery.
  • Raspberry Pi: The Pi runs the server program and communicates directly with the Hydrometer. It also sends data
    to the user via email once certain brewing conditions (Specific gravity) are met.
  • Mobile Phone: The mobile phone run an app which connects to the Raspberry Pi via wifi and allows the user to change the settings of the hydrometer ( Data request interval, set Unit)and setup brewing profiles. It also retrieves data through the Pi and displays it for the user.


-The Hydrometer can successfully transmit its data to the Raspberry Pi from within a plastic brewing container.

-The data are saved locally in the raspberry pi in the Postgres database.

-The phone app successfully changes the Hydrometer’s settings and retrieves data from the Pi.

-The only concern about its functionality is its ability to transmit through certain materials such as metal.

-before  starting the brewing, the user select the beer(beer profile) his trying to make

– based on the beer selected, the  mobile app push a notification when the brew is completed


Future Work

-Integrate the hydrometer with other senior projects to create a system for every stage of brewing.

-Ensure that the hydrometer is fully functional in any brewing container and is free from bugs

Project Files

Project Charter dyp_project_charter

System Requirements Specification system requirements

Architectural Design Specification architectural_design_specification

Detailed Design Specification detailed_design_specification-1

Source code and code documentation




-Mathias, Peter. The Brewing Industry in England, 1700-1830. Gregg Revivals, 1993.
-Tilt hydrometer
