VR Workspace

Team Name

On Point


Fall 2018 – Spring 2019


  • Kyle Teixeira
  • Michael Teixeira
  • Umair Hafeez
  • Jacob Viele
  • Ian Strnad
  • Murtaza Molai



VR Work Space is a virtual environment, meant to simulate the office space of your dreams. With a
fully customizable background environment and the ability to have each individual desktop program
run as its own virtual screen, VR Work Space is expected to increase productivity and ease of use while immersed in the application.


In this project, our team will design, and implement a Virtual Reality work-space primarily geared to-
wards offering software developers a unique, comfortable, organized, and distraction free environment
to complete their programming tasks. Specifically why we decided to undertake this project is because
although there is an extremely high level of potential for AR and VR in workplaces, there is no clear
solution that is available immediately which caters towards professional developers. Nowadays, pro-
grammers enter into their office and have to click through different tabs to maintain and complete their
programming tasks, often getting distracted by the many unorganized papers lying around them on
their desk. With the VR workspace, programmers will be able to walk into their office, sit on an empty
desk, log into their VR headset, and enter into a completely different world with all tools, screens, and
programs organized and readily available in front of them, very similar to a real world workplace environment. Furthermore, successfully implementing a workspace VR environment will positively impact and change the “working from home” scenario forever, because users will be able to log into their “virtual workspace” from home, and enter into the same distraction free environment as they would if they had physically gone to work.

Project Requirements

  1. Set up a environment and ensure stability
  2. Main monitor/desktop rendered and functional
  3. Secondary application windows active and functioning
  4. Use RayCasting to identify active working window and channel input to it
  5. Add physics to move windows and gestures to resize them
  6. Track and map virtual keyboard in environment to mirror real-world keyboard
  7. Add in-game menu and button functionality
  8. Customizable backgrounds using 360° videos as part of in-game menu
  9. Whiteboard assets loaded and functioning in environment
  10. Mini games

System Overview

The architecture for this project is going to follow the AMVCC (Application, Model, View, Controller,
Component) design model. The MVC design model is very popular for game design and tends to work
quite well. However, everything will be running off of the Unity Engine, which is organized in a EC
(Entity, Component) design pattern. The purpose of using the AMVCC design model is that this type of
architecture somewhat combines the two architecture together and should work quite well with Unity.
The application layer will contain the Model, View, and Controller and each of the external components
will be API Libraries implemented with scripts attached to various game objects throughout the project.
These subsystems will be described in brief detail below.


Results text and demo videos go here

Future Work

Similar to VR Chatrooms, we would allow users to create and join online sessions to work with other users in a shared work space. This has the most potential for remote employees and colleagues who may travel or work with faculty around the world.

Project Files

Project Charter (link)

System Requirements Specification (link)

Architectural Design Specification (link)

Detailed Design Specification (link)

Poster (link)


  1. Technologies, Unity. “Welcome to the Unity Scripting Reference!” Unity, docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/.
  2. Wagner, Bill. “C# Guide.” Microsoft Docs, docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/.
  3. “NASA Use Microsoft HoloLens for Assembling New Spacecraft.” VRFocus, www.vrfocus.com/2018/10/nasa-use-microsoft-hololens-    for-assembling-new-spacecraft/.
  4. “VSpatial Launches Free Virtual Reality Workspace.” VSpatial, 11 Jan. 2018, vspatial.com/vspatial-launches-free-virtual-reality-workspace/.
  5. “A Virtual Reality Workspace.” Surround OS – A Virtual Reality Work Space, www.surroundos.com/.
