Team Name
Regimen Engineering Guys
Fall 2018 – Spring 2019
- Daniel Benninghoff
- William Sizemore
- Cory Falvo
- Caleb Sparks
- Jared Gilstrap
Paul May
Our objective is to improve the machine through software. Currently there are a few bugs that need to be tracked down and resolved. We will go in and fix these problems first. The next goal on our path to success is creating a more user friendly and visually appealing user interface. As of right now the interface is extremely bright and hard to follow. We are going to tone down the colors to a sleeker look and begin to sort the user interface in a way that provides and easy pick up and go experience. This will allow anyone of any skill levels to use the machine as they see fit. We would like to include instructional videos for each workout to help out anyone who might not understand how to use the machine properly. Currently when a user is working out data is tracked on a graph. The graph is not scaled properly and needs to be adjusted to better fit each users individually. We will find a way to have the graph dynamically change per user.
With current workouts or workout machines a common problem occurs when maximizing weight lifting. To give an example, if you are doing a bicep curl workout with a twenty-pound weight you only use twenty pounds throughout the entire workout. This may not seem an issue, but what if there was a way to maximize your weight lifting potentials at each position of the workout? The way to solve this issue is to create a machine that can manage different resistances when working through a single workout.The machine that we are working on does just that, enabling a user to work their personal max at each position of the rep. Furthermore, with this machine, a user working through a bicep curl, could start at a lower weight and continually increase weight always at their max weight, all the way to the end of the workout. This fixes the status-quo of static weight sizes and enables a user to do the highest weight they can at any point in a workout. There are current machines, but they have a high cost and are not readily available at a cheaper price, and mostly used in physical therapy. The customer would be a gym or a user that is able to afford the machine for use. Our sponsor is Regimen created by the inventor of the machine Paul May. The issues that Paul is wanting us to work on are fixing bugs and adding more capabilities to the user interface. This will allow for a better user experience with added video archive capabilities for tutorials or group workouts. Another feature we intend to add is the ability to have multiple users workout on the same machine at the same time. There are other features such as
adding a heart rate monitor to the system and if time allows an app that mirrors the interface. These are the capabilities and fixes and changes that we intend to add to the current systems setup.
Project Requirements
Below are the highest top 10 priority requirements.
1. System Shall allow up to four users at a time
2. System shall display tutorial videos
3. The system shall have a new color scheme
4. The system shall have an intuitive GUI
5. System shall interact with a human graphic touch interface
6. System shall organize workouts by type
7. System shall display real time data for user
8. System shall display historical data in line graph dynamically
9. System shall be able create custom workout plans
10.System shall have workout suggestions
System Overview
Our team is tasked with updating the user interface of the machine, fixing current errors, implementing video capabilities (both streaming and archived), and perhaps developing a mobile application for interacting with the machine.
We plan to implement a solution according to the following diagram (Figure 1), which shows a rough interpretation of how the user will interact with the machine. Ignored are external factors such as internet and database interactions.
The design will be updated to Paul May’s specifications using various APIs. We plan to go with a darker interface to get away from the colorful scheme the machine currently has. A desire has also been expressed to allow for the selection of multiple users at once for friends to work out, and a more sleek workout selection screen that does not have confusing imagery. There is also a graph that allows you to see your instantaneous weight output, as well as overall workout statistics. This graphic does not scale appropriately. We plan to base the scaling on the amount of weight being lifted, rather than using a single scaling standards for all weights.
As for the errors, we already have some information on what causes the current errors, we just need to find the exact cause in the code. One occurs when a certain weight threshold is met. While we do expect a result similar to this, the error is occurring at a lighter weight than expected. The other is an error that occurs seemingly at random, but we are aware of a possible cause behind this error. We plan to replicate the inputs or events that cause these errors, monitor the system for changes, and once the source is found, debug the errors.
The video instruction capabilities will be done first through connections to video hosting sites such as YouTube, but there are plans to implement a database so that the machine can support archived videos. A desire has also been expressed to support live streaming video, which will be investigated.
Finally, the mobile application will essentially display what is already being shown on the machine’s interface, but in a more mobile-friendly manner. This way, the user can take their stats with them, and can track their progress on any of the machines they use.
Features added were
1.Made workouts more smooth
2.Updated GUI
3. Added login/guest mode
4. Split workouts into body groups and custom workouts
5. Added custom workouts feature
6. Added working video player
7. Implemented external database
8. Fixed bugs that were in the software
Below is a Demo of the features added
Future Work
Future work will include.
1.the installation of a heart rate monitor
2. Integration with mobile app.
3. Avatar animations with workouts
4. Improved Security
5. Workout Machine Design Improvements
Project Files
Project Charter ( project_charter )
System Requirements Specification (system_requirements_specification(revised))
Architectural Design Specification (architectural_design_specification)
Detailed Design Specification (detailed_design_specification)
Poster (Innovation Day – PosterTemplate (1) )