Instructor: Dr. Cordero
Office: 425 Pickard Hall
Telephone: 817-272-5062
Office hours: Tuesdays 2-4 p.m. and by appointment.

Textbook: Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, Seventh Edition, by Harshbarger/ Reynolds .

About the course: This course presents some of the mathematical tools used in the analysis of business and economic problems. Topics include: simple and compound interest, annuities, differential and integral calculus. The material is covered in Chapters 5, 6, 9-13 of the textbook.

Prerequisites: MATH 1315 or equivalent.

• Three in-class examinations- 50%
• Homework- 10%
• Attendance-10%
• Final examination- 30%

The exams will be on the following dates (subject to change):

Test #1 Tuesday September 26
Test #2 Thursday October 26
Test #3 Thursday November 30
Final exam Saturday December 9th, 3:00-5:30 p.m.
Standard curve: A (100-90) B (89-80) C (79-70) D (69-60) F (59-0).

Homework, Attendance and Examinations Policies

  1. Homework will be assigned every time the class meets and will be collected at the beginning of class. If you miss a class please see the website for assignments.
  2. No make-up exams are given without a written excuse from the registrar’s office.
  3.  Each unexcused absence after August 31st subtracts five points from the attendance grade. Arriving late (after we have started class and sign-up sheet has been passed) or leaving early counts as half an absence.
  4. Instructions for turn-in papers:
    • Work should be done in pencil and erasures should be clean and complete.
    • Problems should be written in order and include the page number and the problem number, i.e. p26 # 5, if appropriate.
    • Write on one side of the paper only.
    • If you tear the page from a spiral notebook, trim the curly edges.
    • Papers must be stapled together (upper left hand corner) and folded in half lengthwise.
    • On the outside write your name, date and assigned problems.
    • If these guidelines are not followed, your paper will not be graded and you will receive 0 points on that work.

Important Dates

  • August 28 First day of classes
  • September 13 Census Date
  • November 3 Last day to drop with an automatic W
  • November 23-24 Thanksgiving Holidays
  • December 8 Last day of classes
  • December 9 Final Examination 3:00-5:30 p.m.