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Dr. Cordero
- Define <a, b>.
- Define A X B for A and B groups.
- Ha=Hb is equivalent to … (in other words, state Lemma 16.1)
- State and proof Lagrange’s Theorem
- Give three corollaries to Lagrange’s Theorem
- State Theorem 17.1
- Give the lattice of subgroups of

- Define isomorphism
- State and proof Theorem 18.2
- State Theorem 19.1
- Give the number of isomorphism classes of groups of order n:
- If n=p, p prime
- If n=
, p prime
- such that does not divide for all i, j.
- State the Fundamental Theorem of Abelian Groups
- State and proof Cayley’s Theorem.
- Define group homomorphism.
- Define kernel of a homomorphism.
- State and proof Theorem 21.1