Dr. Engin Arslan is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. He received his Ph.D. from the University at Buffalo in 2016 and joined National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) as a postdoctoral research associate. He was Assistant Professor at worked at the CSE Department of University of Nevada, Reno before joining UTA. His research interests include high-performance computing and networking, edge/cloud computing, and quantum networking. Dr. Arslan received several awards including NSF CAREER in 2022.


Dec 2023: Arif defended his PhD thesis and became the second PhD graduate of the HPCN lab. He joined to Missouri University Science and Technology as an Assistant Professor.

Aug 2023: I joined the CSE department at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Jul 2023: Paper on modelling I/O bursts in HPC clusters is accepted to IEEE eScience 2023Jul 2023: Paper on monitoring and anomaly detection for wide-area data transfers is accepted to IEEE eScience 2023.

Jun 2023: Paper on quantum repeater deployment modeling is accepted to IEEE Local Computer Networks (LCN’23)May 2023: Online transfer optimization algorithm is accepted to IEEE TPDS

May 2023: Survey paper on the applications of deep learning for the security of Software Defined Networks (SDN) is accepted to Springer Cluster Computing journal.

Apr 2023: Paper on minimizing the use of parallelism for file transfers is accepted to ACM ICS’23Sep 2022 Paper on error recovery for file transfers through in-network caching is accepted to INDIS’22 (with SC’22)

Jul 2022: Probabilistic silent error mitigation model is accepted to IEEE Cluster’22.

May 2022: BACAR (Bandwidth and Congestion Aware Routing for hybrid networks) is accepted to IEEE LANMAN’22

May 2022: FastProb, optimized probing for high-speed networks, is accepted to the IFIP Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA’22)

Mar 2022: Transfer optimization solution for streaming workflows, FStream, is accepted to IEEE TPDS

Sep 2021: Paper on transferrable machine learning model for network anomaly diagnosis is accepted at IEEE LCN’21 and INDIS’21

Jun 2021: Falcon, online transfer optimization algorithm, is accepted to SC’21