Das, S., Basu, A.R., Origin of Indus ophiolite linked to the mantle transition zone (410-660 km). Geological Society of America , Special Paper in honor of E.M. Moores , 2021 in press.
Moores, E.M., N. Simmons, Basu,A.R., Gregory,R.T., The Indian Ocean, its supra subduction history and implications for ophiolites. Geological Society of America, Special paper in honor of E. M. Moores, 2021 in press.
Basu, A.R., Saha-Yannopoulos , A., Chakrabarty, P., A precise geochemical volcano-stratigraphy of the Deccan Traps, Lithos , v. 376-377, 105754, 2020
Basu,A.R., Chakrabarty, P., Szymanowsky, D., Ibanez-Mejia, M., Schoene, B., Ghosh, N., Georg, R.B., Earth & Planetary Science Letters,552, 116616 ,2020
Das,S., Basu, A.R., Mukherjee, B., Marcantonio, M., Sen, K., Bhattacharya,S., Gregory,R.T. , Origin of Indus ophiolite -hosted ophicarbonate veins: Isotopic evidence of mixing between seawater and continenbtal crust-derived fluid during Neo-Tethys closure. Chemical Geology,551,119772
Kibria,M.G., Das,S., Hu, Q.H., Basu, A.R., Mandal, S., Thermal maturity evaluation using Raman spectroscopy for oil shale samples of USA: Comparisons with vitrinite reflectance and pyrolysis methods. Petroleum Science 17, 567-581,17,567-581, 2019
Das, S., Basu, A.R., Evidence of majoritic garnet from the mantle transition zone in the Alpe Arami garnet peridotite. International Geology Review, doi:10.1080/00206814.17003223.2019.
Das, S., Basu, A.R., Mukherjee, B., 2017, In situ peridotitic diamond in Indus Ophiolite sourced from hydrocarbon fluids in mantle transition zone. Geology, August 2017; v. 45; no. 8; p. 755–758.
Ghosh, N., Basu, A.R., Bhargava, O.N., Shukla, U.K., Ghatak, A., Garzione, C.N. and Ahluwalia, A.D., 2015, Catastrophic environmental transition at the Permian-Triassic Neo-Tethyan margin of Gondwanaland: Geochemical, isotopic and sedimentological evidence in the Spiti Valley, India, Gondwana Research, 34(2016) 324-345, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.04.006
Ghosh, N., Basu, A.R. , Bhargava, O.N., Shukla, U.K., Ghatak, A., Garzione, C.N. and Ahluwalia, A.D., 2015, Catastrophic environmental transition at the Permian-Triassic Neo-Tethyan margin of Gondwanaland: Geochemical, isotopic and sedimentological evidence in the Spiti Valley, India, Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.04.006.
Singh, V.K., Chandra, R., Basu, A.R. , Verma, S.P. and Biswal, T.K., 2015, Precambrian crustal growth and tectonics: introduction, International Geology Review, 57:11-12, v-viii, DOI:10.1080/00206814.2015.1029542 (Guest Editorial)
Das, Souvik, Mukherjee, B.K., Basu, A.R. , and Sen Jr., K., 2015, Peridotitic minerals of the Nidar Ophiolite in the NW Himalaya: sourced from the depth of the mantle transition zone and above. In: Mukherjee, S., Carosi, R., van der Beek, P. A., Mukherjee, B. K. & Robinson, D. M. (eds) Tectonics of the Himalaya. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 412, http://doi.org/10.1144/SP412.12
Nestell, G., Nestell, M., Elwood, B., Wardlaw, B., Basu, A.R. , Ghosh, N., Lan, L.T.P., Rowe, H., Hunt, A., Tomkin, J., Ratcliffe, K., 2015, High influx of carbon in walls of agglutinated foraminifers during the Permian-Triassic transition in global oceans, International Geology Review, Vol.57(4), 411-427, doi:10.1080/00206814.2015.1010610.
Basu A.R. and Darmaoen S., 2014, Major and Trace Element Correlations in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Black Shale, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 1, p.35.
Darmaoen S., Basu A.R. , Tinnin B., 2014, Continuous Volcanism throughout the Deposition of the Eagle Ford Formation in South Texas, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 1, p.35.
Çiftçi E., Lermi A., Ghosh N. And Basu A.R. , 2014, Carbonate-Hosted Gallium-Bearing Lead-Zinc Deposits Of Tauride Belt (Turkey): Genetic Implications. Acta Geologica Sinica, 88: 147. Doi: 10.1111/1755–6724.12369_2.
Wakabayashi J. and Basu A.R. , Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2014, 2605.
Ghosh N., Basu A.R. , Bhargava O.N., Shukla U.K., Ghatak A., Garzione C.N., Ahluwalia A.D., 2014, Geochemical-Sedimentary-Paleontological Constraints For Permian-Triassic Transition In The Neo-Tethys Sea: Evidence From Spiti Valley, India, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol.46, No.6, p.418.
Basu A.R. , Faggart B.E., Jr., Ghosh N., 2014, Last 27 Million Years of Hawaiian Plume Evolution: He, Sr, Nd, Pb-isotopes and Trace Element Evidence in Basalts from Nearly One Quarter of the Hotspot Track, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol.46, No.6, p.56.
A. Ghatak, A.R. Basu and J. Wakabayashi, Implications of Franciscan Complex graywacke geochemistry for sediment transport, provenance determination, burial-exposure duration, and fluid exchange with cosubducted metabasites, Tectonics, v32, 1–13, 2013.
Darmaoen S., Basu A.R. , Tinnin B., 2014, Continuous Volcanism throughout the Deposition of the Eagle Ford Formation in South Texas, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 46, No. 1, p.35.
A. Ghatak and A.R. Basu , Isotopic and trace element geochemistry of alkalic-mafic-ultramafic-carbonatitic complexes and flood basalts in NE India: Origin in a heterogeneous Kerguelen plume, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, V115, P 46–720.
J. Nie, B.K. Horton, J.E. Saylor, A.Mora, M.Mange, C.N. Garzione, A.R. Basu , C.J. Moreno, V.Caballero and M. Para, Integrated provenance analysis of a convergent retroarc foreland system: U-Pb ages, heavy minerals, Nd isotopes, and sandstone compositions of the middle Magdalena Valley basin, Northern Andes, Colombia, Eath-Science Reviews, v110, 111–126, 2012.
L.N. Palasse, R.L.M. Vissers, H.Paulssen, A.R. Basu and M.R. Drury. Microstructural and seismic properties of the upper mantle underneath a rifted continental terrane (Baja California): An example of sub-crustal mechanical asthenosphere, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v345–348, 60–70, 2012.
R. Chakrabarti, A.R. Basu , and A. Ghatak, Chemical Geodynamics of Western Anatolia, International Geology Review, iFirst article, 1–22, 2011.
Chakrabarti R., Basu A.R. , Bandyopadhyay P.K., and Zou H., Age and Origin of the Chilka Anorthosites, Eastern Ghats, India: Implications for Massif Anorthosite Petrogenesis and Break-up of Rodinia, in: J.S. Ray et al., (eds), Topics in Igneous Petrology, Springer Science, p. 355–382, 2011.
A. Ghatak, A.R. Basu , and J. Wakabayashi, Elemental Mobility in Subduction Metamorphism: Insight from metamorphic rocks of the Franciscan Complex and the Feather River ultramafic belt, California, International Geology Review, iFirst article, 1–32, 2011.
A Ghatak and A.R. Basu , Vestiges of the Kerguelen plume in the Sylhet Traps, Northeastern India, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v308(1–2), 52–64, 2011.
S. Banerjee, I. Richards, K. Ferguson, R.T. Gregory and A.R. Basu , Archean fluid-rock interaction: Oxygen and Hydrogen isotope ratio from Iron Ore Group, India, Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta, v 74(11), A48, 2010.
J. Wakabayashi, A. Ghatak, and A.R. Basu , Supra-subduction zone ophiolite generation, emplacement, and initiation of subduction: A perspective from geochemistry, metamorphism, geochronology, and regional geology, Bulletin Geological Society of America, v 122, no9/10, 1548–1568, 2010.
R. Hannigan, M.E. Brookfield, and A.R. Basu , A detailed 87Sr/86Sr isotopic curve for the mid-Cincinnatian (Upper Katian-Lower Hirnantian, Upper Ordovician), NE North American Shelf (Ontario, Canada) transition to the Hirnantian glaciation, Chemical Geology, v 277, 336–344, 2010.
A.R. Basu , P.K. Bandyopadhyay, R. Chakrabarti and H. Zou, Large 3. 4Ga Algoma-type BIF in the Eastern Indian Craton, Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta, v 72(12S), A59, 2010.
B.A. Sargent, W.J. Forrest, C. Tayrien, M.K. McClure, A. Li, A.R. Basu , P. Manoj, D.M. Watson, C.J. Bohac, E. Furlan, K.H. Kim, J.D. Green, and G.C. Sloan, Silica in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, v 690, 1193–1207, 2009.
R. Chakrabarti, A.R. Basu , A.P. Santo, D. Tedesco, and O. Vaselli, Isotopic and geochemical evidence for a heterogeneous mantle plume origin of the Virunga volcanics, Western rift, East African Rift system, Chemical Geology, v 259, 273–289, 2009.
R.B. Georg, A.J. West, A.R. Basu , and A.N. Halliday, Silicon fluxes and isotope composition of direct groundwater discharge into the Bay of Bengal and the effect on the global ocean silicon isotope budget, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v 283, 67–74, 2009.
R. Chakrabarti, K.W.W. Sims, A.R. Basu , M. Reagan, and J. Durieux, Timescales of magmatic processes and eruption ages of the Nyiragongo volcanics from 238U–230Th–226Ra–210Pb disequilibria, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288, 149–157, 2009.
S.B. Shirey, B.S. Kamber, M.J. Whitehouse, P.A. Mueller and A.R. Basu , A Review of the isotopic evidence for mantle and crustal processes in the Hadean and Archean: Implications for the onset of plate tectonic subduction, Special Paper, Geological Society of America, v 440, 1–29, 2008.
R. Chakrabarti, A.R. Basu , and D.K. Paul, Nd-Hf-Sr-Pb and trace element geochemistry of Proterozoic lamproites from southern India: Subducted komatiite in the source, Chemical Geology, v 236, 291–302, 2007.
R. Chakrabarti, P.A. Abanda, R.E. Hannigan, and A.R. Basu, Effects of diagenesis on the Nd-isotopic composition of black shales from the 420 Ma Utica Shale Magnafacies, Chemical Geology, v244, 221–231, 2007.
R.Chakrabarti, A.R. Basu , and A. Chakrabarti, Trace Element and Nd-isotopic Evidence for Sediment Sources in the Mid-Proterozoic Vindhyan Basin, Central India, Precambrian Research, v 159 ( 3), 260–274, 2007.
R. Chakrabarti, and A.R. Basu , Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Archean Basement in the Lonar Crater Impact Breccia, Deccan Volcanic Province, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v247, 197–211, 2006.
R. Chakrabarti, A.R. Basu , and Arundhuti Ghatak, Reply To: Comments on “Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Archean Basement in the Lonar Crater Impact Breccia, Deccan Volcanic Province” by Ramananda Chakrabarti and Asish R. Basu, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v250, 669–670, 2006.
C.Garzioni, M.J. Ikari, and A.R. Basu , Sources of Oligocene to Pliocene sedimentary rocks in the Linxia basin in northeastern Tibet from Nd isotopes: Implications for tectonic forcing of climate, Bulletin Geological Society of America, v117, 9/10, 1156–1166, 2005.
A. Saha, A.R. Basu, J.Wakabayashi and G.L. Wortman, Geochemical evidence for subducted infant arc in Franciscan high-grade tectonic blocks, Bulletin Geological Society of America, v117, 9/10, 1318–1335, 2005.
A. Saha, A.R. Basu , S.B. Jacobson, R.J. Poreda, Q.-Z. Yin, and G.M. Yogodzinski, Slab devolatilization and Os and Pb mobility in the mantle wedge of the Kamchatka arc, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v236, 182–194, 2005.
O.Katz, M.Beyeth, N.Miller, R.Stern, A.R. Basu and A.D. Anbar, A late Neoproterozoic high-magnesian andesite from southern Israel : Implications for the consolidation of Gondwana, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 218, 475–490, 2004.
A.Saha, A.R. Basu , C.N. Garzioni, P.K. Bandyopadhyay, and A. Chakrabarti, Geochemical and petrological evidence for subduction-accretion processes in the Archean Eastern Indian Craton, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 220, 91–106, 2004.
Basu A.R. , Petaev M.I, Poreda R.J. and Jacobsen S.B, Becker L., 2003. Chondritic meteorite fragments associated with the Permian-Triassic boundary in Antarctica. Science, 302(5649): 1388–1392.
Dowling C.B., Poreda R.J. and Basu A.R. , 2003. The groundwater geochemistry of the Bengal Basin; weathering, chemsorption, and trace metal flux to the oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(12): 2117–2136.
Pradeep K. Aggarwal, Asish R. Basu , and Kshitij M. Kulkarni, 2003. Comment on “Arsenic Mobility and Groundwater Extraction in Bangladesh” (I), Science, 300: 584 (in Technical Comments).
Dowling C.B., Poreda R.J., Basu A.R., Peters S.L. and Aggarwal P.K., 2002. Geochemical study of arsenic release mechanisms in the Bengal Basin groundwater. Water Resources Research, 38, no. 9(9).
A.R. Basu, S.B. Jacobsen, R.J. Poreda, C.B. Dowling and P.K. Aggarwal, Groundwater Flow in the Ganges Delta, Reply to Comments by C.F. Harvey, Science, v296, 1563A, 2002.
Charles F. Harvey, Asish R. Basu , Stein B. Jacobsen, Robert J. Poreda, Carolyn B. Dowling, and Pradeep K. Aggarwal, 2002. Groundwater Flow in the Ganges Delta, Science, 296: 1563 (in Technical Comments).
Basu A.R., Jacobsen S.B., Poreda R.J., Dowling C.B., and Aggarwal P.K., 2001. Large Groundwater Strontium Flux to the Oceans from the Bengal Basin and the Marine Strontium Isotope Record, Science, ; 293: 1470–1473.
Hannigan R.E., Basu A.R. and Teichmann F., 2001. Mantle reservoir geochemistry from statistical analysis of ICP-MS trace element data of equatorial Mid-Atlantic MORB glasses. Chemical Geology, 175(3–4): 397–428.
Basu A.R. and Premo W.R., 2001. U-Pb age of the Diana Complex and Adirondack granulite petrogenesis. Recent researches in petrology and geochemistry, 110(4): 385–395.
P.K. Aggarwal, A.R. Basu , R.J. Poreda, K.M. Kulkarni and others, Isotope Hydrology of Ground Water in Bangladesh, International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Collaboration Project Report: BGD/8/016, Vienna, 61p, 2000 (Work performed under IAEA Project BGD–8–016).
Hannigan R.E. and Basu A.R., 1998. Late diagenetic trace element remobilization in o rganic-rich black shales of the Taconic foreland basin of Quebec, Ontario, and New York, p209–234, in Shales and mudstones; II, Petrography, petrophysics, geochemistry, and economic geology, J. Scheiber, P. Sethi and W. Zimmerle, eds., Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart Germany.
Basu A.R., Hannigan R.E., and Jacobsen S.B., 1998, Melting of the Siberian mantle plume, Geophysical Research Letters, 25:12, 2209–2212.
Teichmann F. and Basu A.R., 1996, Nd-Sr isotopic trace element study of rocks and fluids from the Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB), Germany. Geologische Runschau, 85: 162–171.
Basu A.R. , Sharma M. and Premo, W.R. 1996. U-Pb age of an older metamorphic group mica schist: earliest terrain of the eastern Indian craton. In, Recent Researches in Geology and Geophysics of the Precambrian (A.K. Saha, ed.), Hindustan Publishing Corporation: 93–102.
Basu A.R. and Hart S., eds., 1996, Earth Processes: Reading the Isotopic Code. Geophysical Monograph Series 95.
Basu A.R. and Faggart B.E., 1996, Temporal Variation in the Hawaiian Mantle Plume: The Lanai Anomaly, The Molokai Fracture Zone and a Seawater-altered Lithospheric Component in Hawaiian Volcanism, In, Earth Processes: Reading the Isotopic Code (A. Basu and S. Hart, eds.) Geophysical Monograph 95: 149–159.
Renne P.R., Zichao Z., Richards M.A., Black M.T. and Basu A.R. 1995. Synchrony and Causal Relations between Permian-Triassic Boundary Crises and Siberian Flood Volcanism. Science, 269: 1413–1416.
Cole R.B. and Basu A.R. 1995. Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry and tectonics of ridge subduction and middle Cenozoic volcanism in western California, GSA Bulletin, 107: 167–179.
Basu Asish R., Poreda R.J., Renne P.R., Teichmann F., Vasilev Y.R., Sobolev N.V. and Turrin B.D., 1995, High 3He Plume Origin and Temporal-Spatial Evolution of the Siberian Flood Basalts, Science, 269: 822–825.
Sharma M., Basu A.R., and Ray, S.L. 1994. Sm-Nd Isotopic and Geochemical Study of the Archean Tonalite-Amphibolite association from the eastern Indian Craton, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 117: 45–55.
Basu A.R., Renne P.R., DasGupta D.K., Teichmann F. and Poreda R.J., 1993, Early and Late Alkali Igneous Pulses and a High–3He Plume Origin for the Deccan Flood Basalts. Science 261: 902–906.
K.A. Farley, A.R. Basu and H. Craig, He, Sr and Nd-isotopic variations in lavas from the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, southeast Pacific, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v125, 75–87, 1993.
Basu A.R., Renne P.R., DasGupta D.K., Teichmann F. and Poreda R.J., 1993, Early and Late Alkali Igneous Pulses and a High–3He Plume Origin for the Deccan Flood Basalts. Science 261: 902–906.
K.A. Farley, A.R. Basu and H. Craig, He, Sr and Nd-isotopic variations in lavas from the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, southeast Pacific, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v125, 75–87, 1993.
Cole R.B. and Basu A.R. 1992. Middle Tertiary Volcanism during Ridge-Trench Interactions in Western California. Science, 258: 793–796.
Sharma M., Basu A.R. and Nesterenko G.V., 1992, Temporal Sr-, Nd and Pb isotopic variations in the Siberian Flood Basalts: Implications for the Plume-source characteristics. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 113: 365–381.
Tatsumoto M., Basu A.R., Wankang H., Junwen W., and Guanghong X., 1992, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes of ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks of eastern China: Enriched components EMI and EMII in subcontinental lithosphere. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 113: 107–128.
Basu A.R., Junwen W., Wankung A., Guanghong X. and Tatsumoto, M. 1991. Major element, REE, Pb, Nd and Sr-isotopic geochemistry of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of eastern China: Implications for their origin from sub-oceanic-type mantle reservoirs. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 105: 149–169.
Sharma M., Basu A.R. and Nesterenko G.V., 1991, Nd-Sr isotopes, petrochemistry and origin of the Siberian flood basalts, USSR. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 55: 1183–1192.
M. Sharma, A.R. Basu, R.B. Cole and P.G. DeCelles, Basalt-rhyolite volcanism by MORB-continental crust interaction: Nd, Sr isotopic and geochemical evidence from southern San Joaquin Basin, California, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v109, 159–172, 1991.
Renne P.R. and Basu A.R., 1991, Rapid Eruption of the Siberian Traps Flood Basalts at the Permo-Triassic Boundary. Science 253: 176–179.
A.R. Basu, M. Sharma, and P.G. DeCelles, Nd, Sr-isotopic Provenance and Trace Element Geochemistry of Amazonian Foreland Basin Fluvial Sands, Bolivia and Peru: Implications for Ensialic Andean Orogeny, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v105, 149–169, 1991.
Basu A.R., Sharma M. and DeCelles, P.G. 1990. Nd, Sr-isotopic provenance and trace element geochemistry of Amazonian foreland basin fluvial sands, Bolivia and Peru: Implications for ensialic Andean orogeny. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 100: 1–17.
J.S. Ongley, A.R. Basu and T.K. Kyser, Oxygen isotopes in coexisting garnets, clinopyroxenes and phlogopites of Roberts Victor Eclogites: Implications for petrogenesis and mantle metasomatism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v83, 80–84, 1987.
N. Srimal, A.R. Basu, and T.K. Kyser, Tectonic inferences from oxygen isotopes in volcano-plutonic complexes of the India-Asia collision zone, NW India, Tectonics, v6, 3, 261–273, 1987.
A.R. Basu, J.S. Ongley, and I.D. MacGregor, Eclogites, pyroxene geotherm and layered mantle convection, Science, v233, 1303–1305, 1986.
R.A. Burwash, J. Krupicka, A.R. Basu and P.A. Wagner, Resetting of the Nd and Sr whole-rock isochrones from polymetamorphic granulites, north-eastern Alberta, Can.J. Eart Sci., v22, 7, 992–1000, 1985.
Faggart B.E., Basu A.R. and Tatsumoto, M. 1985. Origin of the Sudbury Complex by Meteoritic Impact: Neodymium Isotopic Evidence. Science, 230: 436–439.
R.J. Poreda, A.R. Basu, Rare gases, water, and carbon in kaersutites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v69, 58–68, 1984.
A.R. Basu and H.S. Pettingill, Origin and age of Adirondack anorthosites re-evaluated with Nd-isotopes, Reply to Parrish and Emslie, Geology, v12, 6, 380–381, 1984.
A.R. Basu, E. Rubury, H. Mehnert and M. Tatsumoto, Sm-Nd, K-Ar, and petrologic study of some kimberlites from eastern United States and their implications for mantle evolution, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v86, 35–44, 1984.
A.R. Basu, A.M. Goodwin and M. Tatsumoto, Sm-Nd Study of Archean Alkalic Rocks from the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v70, 40–46, 1984.
A.R. Basu and H.S. Pettingill, Origin and Age of Adirondack Anorthosites Re-evaluated with Nd-isotopes, Geology, v11, 9, 514–518, 1983.
M.A. Domenick and A.R. Basu, Age and origin of the Cortlandt Complex, New York: Implications from Sm-Nd data, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v79, 290–294, 1982.
A.R. Basu, Ultramafic rocks and mantle evolution, Proceedings, Symposium on Quinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, 539–544, 1981.
A.R. Basu, S.L. Ray, A.K. Saha, and S.N. Sarkar, 3800 million year old crust in Eastern India and early mantle differentiation, Science, v212, 1502–1506, 1981.
A.R. Basu, Jointed blocks of peridotite xenoliths in basalts and mantle dynamics, Matters Arising Reply to Wolff, Nature, v288, 103, 1980.
A.R. Basu, M. Tatsumoto, Nd-isotopes in selected mantle-derived rocks and minerals and their implications for mantle evolution, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v75, 43–54, 1980.
A.R. Basu, Jointed blocks of peridotite xenoliths in basalts and mantle dynamics, Nature, v284, 612–613, 1980.
I.D. MacGregor and A.R. Basu, Petrogenesis of the Mt. Albert ultramafic massif, Quebec, Summary Bulletin Geological Society of America Part-II, v90, 10, 898–900, 1979.
I.D. MacGregor and A.R. Basu, Petrogenesis of the Mt. Albert ultramafic massif, Quebec, Summary Bulletin Geological Society of America Part-I, v90, 10, 898–900, 1979.
A.R. Basu, Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths from San Quentin, Baja California: in The Mantle Sample: Inclusions in kimberlites and other volcanics, FR Boyd and H.O.A. Meyer, editors, American Geophysical Union, 391–399, 1979.
A.R. Basu and M. Tatsumoto, Sm-Nd systematics in kimberlites and in the minerals of garnet lherzolite inclusions, Science, v205, 398–401, 1979.
K. Saito, E.C. Alexander, and A.R. Basu, Rare gases in mantle-derived amphiboles, Short papers of the Fourth International Conf. Geochron., Cosmochron., Isot. Geology, Geological Survey Open-File Report 78–701, 368–370, 1978.
A.R. Basu and M. Tatsumoto, Nd-isotopes in mantle derived rocks and minerals and the evolution of the earth’s mantle, Short papers of the Fourth International Conf. Geochron., Cosmochron., Isot. Geology, Geological Survey Open-File Report 78–701, 28–30, 1978.
A.R. Basu and M. Tatsumoto, Nd-isotopes in mantle-derived rocks and minerals and their implications for basalt evolution, Extended Abstract Lunar and Planetary Science IX pt–1, 53–55, 1978.
D.P. Thompson, A.R. Basu, E.W. Hennecke and O.K. Manuel, Noble gases in the Earth’s mantle, Physics of the Earth and Planet Interiors, v17, 98–107, 1978.
K. Saito, A.R. Basu, E.C. Alexander, Planetary type rare gases in an upper mantle-derived amphibole, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v39, 274–290, 1978.
A.R. Basu, Trace elements and Sr-isotopes in some mantle-derived hydrous minerals and their significance, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v42, 659–668, 1978.
A.R. Basu, Nobel gases in the upper mantle, Indian Journal Earth Sc., S. Ray volume, 157–169, 1977.
A.R. Basu and V.R. Murthy, Trace elements and Sr-isotopes in ultramafic xenoliths from San Quitin, Baja California, Extended Abstract Second International Kimberlite Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 11–13, 1977.
A.R. Basu, K. Saito, E.C. Alexander, Primary ‘planetary’ Rare Gas in a mantle-derived amphibole, Extended Abstract Second International Kimberlite Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 7–10, 1977.
A.R. Basu and V.R. Murthy, Significance of amphibole and phlogopite in basalt genesis Trace elemental and Sr-isotopic evidence, Extended Abstract International Conference on Experimental Trace Element Geochemistry, Sedona, Arizona, 2–4, 1977.
A.R. Basu and V.R. Murthy, Ancient lithospheric lherzolite xenolith in basalt from Baja California, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v35, 239–246, 1977.
A.R. Basu and V.R. Murthy, Kaersutites, suboceanic low-velocity zone and the origin of mid-oceanic ridge basalts, Geology, v 5(6), 365–368, 1977.
A.R. Basu, Textures, microstructures and deformation of ultramafic xenoliths from San Quitin, Baja California, Tectonophysics, v43, 213–246, 1977.
A.R. Basu, Olivine spinel equilibria in ultramafic xenoliths from San Quintin, Baja California, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v33, 433–450, 1977.
I.D. MacGregor and A.R. Basu, Geological problems in estimating mantle geothermal gradients, American Mineralogist, v61, 715–724, 1976.
A.R. Basu and I.D. MacGregor, Chromite spinels from ultramafic xenoliths, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v39, 937–945, 1975.
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